As someone that plays games, probably less than I used to, mainly because I spend to much time wallowing with feck all motivation I do sometimes game on the go, probably way less than some people as im one of those pricks that likes to read if on a long journey, but sometimes that can be a bit tricky as some of our roads get a bit bumpy. Don't like to be one of those people that's glairing at there phone scrolling social media and the broken timeline that is Facebook, seriously, I just want to see what my friends are upto, I don't really give a toss what somebody that im never likely to meet is upto, i've unfollowed loads of pages to try to sort my timeline but ITS STILL THE SAME! CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER DAMN IT!
Anyway I do still have the odd game on my phone for those times that i'm taking one of those long shits and i'm without a book, yes I read on the toilet, I tend to buy what I call "Bog books" ones that I can quickly dip in and out of, wait where was I?
Oh yeah games on my phone, i've had tons over the years, most haven't really lasted on several devices the only one to actually get installed on almost every phone for the past ten years is???????
Jewels maze 2
(I've never played the first one)
I must of logged thousands of hours on it over the years, Its a simple match the coloured gems game, its free, it can also save mid game in some modes, its not one of those games that nags for a constant internet connection, same with microtransactions, it does have adds, that is avoided if you go offline.
It also doesn't have all the eye strain of shit like Candy Crush and the timer bullshit of such games.
Just mute the audio and sound effects and "Enjoy" a simple game.
Just the game to play whilst taking a dump.
TL;DW - Something something Jewels maze 2 is a "Fun" taking a dump game