Monday, 31 July 2023

feck you all im back

 Urgh, been a while since I did a text based rant, they have been mainly video form these days as its easier to just spout out random crap and not have to worry about the old grammar and editing means I can make a half an hour long one go down to ten minutes of me talking bollocks, I actually do minute long reviews as well, started because as I saw a lot of reviewers doing shit like an hour long review of something. One in particular did a 2 hour analysis of a fucking trailer for a DC movie, I didn't watch either, in my mind lifes (Lives?) to short to spend listening to someone drone on about the lastest dark as shit (as they cant afford the lighting rig) super hero film, still people pay to see CGI thing fight CGI thing in a CGI space with no actual impact to any of the attacks, what the bloody hell happened to fighting in films feeling like they have some kind of weight to punches? bugs the crap outa me, but
I digress
Typing for long periods of time reminds me that I like the clicky sound of this keyboard, its the only noise going on in the flat at the moment as the parrot is in bed and I think any kind of music will disrupt my funky funky flow, its like some form of ASMR for nerds, I don't mean like when Captain Janeway whispers "I knowwwww" to the clown thing at the end of the episode "The Thaw" that gave me a special feeling.
What? I can't be the only person that was kinda attracted to the women in charge thing, must be some kinda domination fetish. 
You know what, I dont think ive ever watched the full series of Voyager, what the heck is the current series im trying to "Marathon"? Am I marathoning a series? Amount of confusion about such matters isnt really worth thinking about.
Anyway what the bloody hell am I writing about?
I actually have no firggen clue but somehow I wrote about something, by writing about nothing. 

TL;DW - Something something do video blogs now, something something Nerdon for Captain Janeway, something something CGI hero films are mostly shit

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